+211922012224 | +211911800321
cafordevelopment@gmail.com | info@cafordssudan.org

The Core Objectives Of CAFORD

  1. We are committed to the poor and the vulnerable, to relieving their suffering and promoting transformation to the conditions of life.
  2. We value and respect all our stakeholders and collaborate and network with other organizations. We act in ways that respect the dignity, spirituality, uniqueness and intrinsic worth of every person.
  3. We work with the vulnerable as active participants emphasizing equality, impartiality and non-discrimination.
  4. To empower & enrich people with disability by supporting them to participate in life changing.
  5. To promote & advocating for disable people in the community to be recognized in all institutions.
  6. To engage church leaders and the Community Leaders about the benefits of loving & protecting Children and disabled people.